วันศุกร์ที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

THAI LAW - Sticky Situations

THAI LAW - Sticky Situations

Thai law
Thai law

                    Thai law | In the last two weeks, I have been appointed the legal representative and advisor for the Indian embassy in Thailand. They required for me to handle the transfer of land to the Indian embassy for the construction of the house of the local ambassador, as such I had found my way to the land department to see this through. While waiting for the process I noticed an American man with a Thai partner in an argument in front of an officer of the land office. They didn’t understand each other and also misunderstood or didn’t understand what the land officer was trying to explain to them with regards to tax. I was sitting next to them and understood what all parties were trying to achieve, when things began to get heated I asked if they would mind if I can help give the man the explanation.

                    So the story of the American man is when he arrived in Thailand four years ago he had bought a condominium under his name and that day at the land department he planned to sell it. The problem that was holding up the sale was that he felt he had to pay too much tax, he explained to me that he had to pay 2% tax for the transfer fee as he had promised the buyer that he would take care of this as well as a 3.3% special tax to the land department which were also requiring him to pay personal income tax. He did not want to pay and as such the officer would not let the transfer go through, as his partner did not know the tax system and cannot give a proper explanation and with the officer unable to speak English. The man began to fight with his partner and the officer very loudly, this is when I chose to step in and introduce myself.

                    Although the man was skeptical he allowed me the chance to explain to him why he had to pay so much tax, I started by pointing out that the 2% transfer fee is necessary under Thai law  whenever there is a transfer of property from one party to another. This fee by law must be paid fifty-fifty between the buyer and the seller unless the contract states that one party will pay it in full which was true in his case. The 3.3% special tax is required to be paid by the seller on the condition that the property which was purchased is being sold in less than five years of the purchase date. This tax is for business people who make a profit from buying and selling property and as the man had only bought the property four years ago, he was eligible to pay it. Lastly the personal income tax is required to be paid by anyone who receives income in Thailand, this can be anyone from company employees, to retirees on a pension coming from abroad or the income generated from the sale of a property. The way to calculate personal income tax and any tax breaks are a bit difficult to explain and we will summarize them in a future article.

                    So when you are transferring property you have to pay the government transfer fee of 2%, a special tax of 3.3% if you are selling the property within five years of purchase and your personal income tax or the transfer will not be allowed to go through.

THAI LAW - Sticky Situations

วันจันทร์ที่ 1 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

THAI LAW - Property guide to Thailand

THAI LAW - Property guide to Thailand

Thai law
Thai law

                            Thai law |  A common question asked of me is about foreign ownership of property in the Kingdom of Thailand, how foreigners can get full ownership and what the best way to go about it is. The answers all vary depending on the situation of the prospective owner but I will try to give a general guide to those looking to invest in the Thai property market. First up are condominiums, buying a condo in Thailand enables you to have full ownership and your name as the owner. But there are some conditions; when buying the condo you will have to transfer the money used for purchase from overseas, also every condo is only allowed a limited number or foreign owners. This is dependent on the number of rooms but the ratio must not exceed forty nine percent foreign ownership and fifty one percent Thai ownership, please double check this statistic with the seller before purchase. If it does exceed the ratio limit you will have to form a company with which you will use to buy the condo. One more thing to look out for is outstanding fees whether it is electric, water or common property fees as the condo owners will not allow you to transfer the property into your name if they are not paid and you may be the one who has to fork up the extra charges.

                             If you are looking at a land and house or only the land, you will have to set up a company for ownership. We recommend a number of things you can do to protect yourself as a foreign purchaser; firstly after setting up the company you should put yourself as the sole managing director, so you have sole control. Secondly you have to set up the company with preference shares which you have the right to own forty nine percent, but with the number of votes set to ten per share. This will give you the majority whenever you need to vote on a company matter. Thirdly whichever nominee shareholder you put in place must sign the shares back to you, also the documentation should be kept in safe storage or even in your home country but away from the company. Number four always keep important documents in safe keeping, if say someone else has the original copy of the shareholders certificate they may use it for their own purposes. Make sure that the owner is the one holding on to all the right documentation.

                             Here are some alternatives such as agreeing to only purchasing a house which can be put in your name as it is classified as movable property. This is a growing trend in foreigners now and involves putting the land in a spouses name and then long leasing it from them, another option is to put the land under a company that they own. On the topic of leases the longest lease in Thailand is a lifelong lease on either the life of the leaser or leasee with the next longest being over a thirty year period. Before Thailand had rolling lease with three intervals of thirty years each but this is not the case anymore as under Thai law, this is now illegal.

                             We will always recommend anyone looking to purchase a property to contact a lawyer, don’t do it by yourself or believe some Thai person who says that it is easy. A lot of people are cheated in this business and have lost a lot of money as well as many a property, by protecting yourself you are ensuring you have the best possible chance to secure a new property safely and with no problems down the line. The lawyer fee for a service like this should consist of two things; the first a sales and purchase contract and secondly for when you have the property transferred to you and you receive the title deed in your hand, and only then would you have to pay.

THAI LAW - Property guide to Thailand