วันศุกร์ที่ 29 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2558

THAI LAW - Passports, your personal property

THAI LAW - Passports, your personal property

Thai law
Thai law

                            Over the years I have seen many times the people who were cheated or had suffered losses due to fraud or a scam going to a police station with the offender to sort out their problem. Normally the police will try to get them to compromise with each other by being the middle man, they will try to negotiate between the two parties and ask if or when the offender can pay back the amount owed whilst scheduling another meeting at a future date to check on the situation. After the negotiations on the condition of the agreement on both parties the case will be dropped for a while and the police will ask you to pay back the money owed in a future date normally a week to two weeks. This is always the case with the police including other situations such as accidents etc. not just fraud or cheating cases. After all this the police will tell you that you will have to leave your original passport with the police until the time that you pay back the sum when the passport will be returned.

                            One such case concerned three parties’ two men and one woman, the two men being business partners and the woman being the girlfriend of one of the partners. The lady was brought to the police station by the business partner of her boyfriend and was accused of cheating nine million baht from him. She argued that she did not have anything to do with it or any of the money at all and claimed it was all concerning her boyfriend. But the business partner argued that they had sometimes transferred company funds to her bank account in Singapore, on realizing this woman became scared but still stuck to her story. The lady said to the police that she would try to talk to her boyfriend about how to pay back the money he owed but it would be difficult as he was arrested regarding another case.

                            At that time the police said that if you are planning to pay him back can you give me your passport and then come back to talk with each other again about the plan. After this agreement and handing the passport over, at the next scheduled meeting she found out that the business partner had no evidence whatsoever of sending money to her account. After this she should have been let go with no legal obligations whatsoever but this was not the case at all. Because the business partner did not drop the case and kept trying to find a way to take the case to court and would not stop until the police allowed him to do so. The legal proceedings took a very long time, in fact almost 3 years during which the lady could not travel abroad due to her passport being property of the court. At the end of the case the defendant was found to be innocent which was the case since the start but because of her passport being in the hands of the police it she was dragged into a long and drawn out process. Unless there is evidence of your wrongdoing, then under Thai law, the police have no authority to retain your passport.

Thailnad law
Thai law

                            If you wish to settle a similar case quickly then please go ahead and try to make a compromise with the other party with the help of the police and schedule another appointment at the station at a later date. But make sure that you do not hand over your passport, if it is like the above story then if there is no evidence you are free to go, you can fly out of the Kingdom, you can work normally and do everything you would normally do. But if you give your passport over to the police then it is like you are saying that you are the guilty person and you are agreeing that you have to pay back the necessary amount to the other person. Your passport is your personal property which should be on you at all times similar to a Thai citizens ID card, for something like this the police cannot force you to hand it over and they have no legal authority to make you.

THAI LAW - Passports, your personal property

วันพุธที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2558

THAI LAW - Flood and Insurance

THAI LAW - Flood and Insurance  

Thailand law
Thai law

                            Thai law | At this time if there is anyone not talking about the flood situation here in Thailand it would seem to be that those people are not in trend right now. Because our main office is located in the heart of Bangkok we have seen many things affect the capital from the last few years and this year again it is no different. From the yellow shirt protest which closed down the main airport three years ago to the red shirt protest two years ago in the Ratchaprasong area, but this year it did not come from any colour but from nature itself. As many people can attest the power of nature is more powerful and devastating than that a human protest with many lives and homes being swept away. Because of the severity of the situation we will be forced to close the main office for some time, but even while we are still running there are few people left let alone out and about in this part of the city. In fact only around a tenth of the usual amount of people are still here, this has made traffic scarce and you can travel on a road in any direction and a trip that would take you hours before would only take five minutes right now.

Thai law
Thailand law

                            So the topic we will discuss today is insurance from the flood situation happening now, especially regarding motor vehicles. If you look at the local news on the television or even on newspapers you will have seen many flooded cars and motorbikes on the streets on Bangkok. Most owners will have insurance but I have to tell you that maybe they will not cover your vehicle because of the extensions in their insurance policy. Even if they do have to cover something they will try to find ways around it, an example is this if a car engine is damaged by the flood for a long time and the engine develops rust and cannot function properly. The insurance company will consider only repairing the engine with the smallest amount of money possible, they will never allow a full engine change. Many things like this will happen in the coming months as the insurance companies will be responsible for a huge number of flooded cars, and you will see the extensions of your insurance policy that you have never seen before. Under Thai law, an insurance company is obligated to honour their agreement with you to the letter.  Failing this they can be taken to court.

                            It will be a hard process to go through from the insurance companies saying no to fix your vehicle in the proper way. This is the main reason that insurance companies do not grow fast in Thailand, because the insurance companies will always try to say no and if they are obligated to pay they will make it very hard to do so making the customers not happy with the service they have paid for. Another thing you should know is that if you have an old car the parts they will use to repair your vehicle will either be second hand parts or parts from a copy brand not the original parts from the manufacturer. They will try to do everything they can to reduce costs. We have the experience in the court where an insurance company did not want to pay more than two hundred thousand baht when they were legally obliged to.  If you ask to claim that much money from them the company will fight with you in the Thai court, they have their own lawyers, who they will use to delay and play with you for up to three to seven years.

Thailand law
Thai law
                            This is the good chance for you to learn a lesson about the insurance companies here in Thailand. You have to make sure that the insurance policy that you take out for yourself is proper, with too many extensions so the insurance companies have to pay up and cannot get out of it so easily. You need to read through the agreement thoroughly if needed you can make amendments for some of the extensions by paying a premium, if you leave it until the situation happens it will already be too late.

THAI LAW - Flood and Insurance